Me: You know what? The baby had a bit of a rough night, so I think for once, I’ll take a nap when she naps this morning.
The Universe: Yeah you see, we have other plans for you today. Buckle up!
TMI warning…
Me: You know what? The baby had a bit of a rough night, so I think for once, I’ll take a nap when she naps this morning.
The Universe: Yeah you see, we have other plans for you today. Buckle up!
TMI warning…
This is a post I started writing almost 5 years ago. Haven’t been able to simply delete it, so I’ve updated and added some details.
© Cathy Thorne, Everyday People Cartoons.
Before giving birth to our first daughter, I had to deal with some rather horrifying birth stories. Surprisingly, it wasn’t necessarily family or friends who wanted to share their story, but sometimes strangers or people I hardly knew.
There are so many things I want to write about, but alas there are only so many hours in the day and many of those are dedicated to being a mom, an adult, or squeezing in some sleep.
I just did a quick skim through some draft blog posts. Looking at them with fresh eyes, I honestly can’t understand why many are still in draft format and were never published.
No wait, that’s not completely true. I can guess WHY they were never published. Because something likely happened in the creative process where I felt like more detail or a photo was needed. I may have then become distracted and thought “I’ll finish this later” and then life happened.
I suspect there are a few different reasons why this happens and I won’t just try to blame it on a chronic case of procrastination.
Today has been brought to you by the letter C and the number 2… Continue reading →
Good lord. It’s been over two years since I last updated by poor old dusty blog.
**Warning: as a means of overcompensating my embarrassment, I encourage you to read the majority of this post with a sarcastic tone/voice.**
I’m ashamed to say I cannot come up with an epic story to explain the reason for such a long dry spell.
I got nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Oh wait, may be I do have a few things…