Next time you hear someone going on about how dangerous bumper pads are, remember this image of my child.
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Category Archives: Parenting
Today we went to a superhero-themed birthday party and it was lots of fun. Missy Moo had a superman shirt that has a cape attached and Matt and I wore superhero shirts and some capes I bought last year through a co-op buy.
Since we know that Bunny likes to play at daycare’s water table and now has a smock, I figured he was going to be an active participant in the celebrations. So logically he needed a cape to wear…
If you haven’t met Bunny yet, the most important fact to keep in mind is that he’s kind of a big deal.
Bunny is Missy Moo’s “lovey”, her “stuffie”, her comfort toy, etc. He’s basically her best and most important friend and companion in the world.
Confession: we currently have four bunnies that we switch out and so far she hasn’t gotten suspicious except for a couple times where we magically had two bunnies and one quickly disappeared.
So few updates, yet so much to say if I could just find the time… Ah well, no point dwelling on what has or hasn’t happened.
Monday was the Mid-March Holiday (aka St. Patrick’s Day), but it was also a day where a huge snowstorm hit many parts of the province.
Some of the folks online were insisting that Monday’s storm was Sheila’s Brush. Some voices online felt otherwise. I didn’t really care what it was called, beyond “OMG 30+ cm of snow?!”
This is my second Mother’s Day as a mom and so far we seem to be developing a tradition I never would have guessed…