A couple of months ago, I discovered an app called RunPee. And the name is fitting – it tells you when you can run and go pee during a movie and not miss important scenes or climatic points. This is a major plus when you’ve paid a small fortune to sit in a dark theater with a bunch of strangers. And it’s conveniently available for Android, Apple and Windows mobile phones for free. Score!
I’ve joked over the past seven months that once I’m on maternity leave with our baby, “I’ll have lots of free time to get some major projects at home done!” But I know the reality. Despite the sexy appeal of all those DIY projects on Pinterest, this will likely be my daily existence in the coming months…
It can be said with confidence that 2013 is going to be a big year for Matt and I.
Heck, 2012 was pretty significant (going to Taiwan, Japan, lots of great stuff happening in my job, Matt being laid off from his job, increasing my volunteering in the community, etc.). So while there are some knowns for the next 12 months, there are a lot of unknowns that will likely make things interesting!
As such, I’m making some goals for 2013 with no pending guilt attached. If I manage to pull of all or any of these goals, I’ll consider it a win. Continue reading
Here we are. It’s New Year’s Eve (NYE) and 2012 is coming to a close.
Last year, I decided I wanted to set some resolutions/goals for myself. I tried to make some SMART goals that were measurable and also not to ambitious.
I’m rounding out the year with mix results.
With the year coming to a close in just a few weeks, what better way to reflect on the past 330+ days than listen to this mashup of 50 songs from 2012. It’s really well done!
Is there a certain song from 2012 that really stands out in your mind? Or do you have a favourite from last year or some time way back when that will always mean something special to you?