Heads up! I received this email today. Some might think it looks legit, but it’s really not.
The email says you’ve won an iPad2 and you need to type into your browser, the address mygmailgifts.com.
One major tip off is that the email below arrived as just that, an image (jpeg) file.
I searched online (through Google no less) and found some links saying it is indeed phishing.
Props to the scammers for using the Google logo, the TRUSTe logo and trying to sound legit.
But really… would Google team up with Apple for a give away? Why give away iPad2 as a prize? Google has enough Android tablet partners out there. Think about it. The logic, it is definitely lacking.
Remember, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
Please share with anyone you know who has a Gmail account. They too may have received this notification.
I got one also and everything about it shouted scam. I wanted to see how many others thought it was or has already proved it to be. Thanks.
You’re welcome! It smells of scam if you read it and think about the logic, but it’s so easy to wish it true when something like a possible free iPad is involved. ;)
I made sure to warn some family who may have second guessed the scam smell.