Clearly I need to take more photos, knit more and more importantly, blog more.
I hope to combine all three interests in time. With my Flickr account, I want to add more examples of knitting projects as I add them to my Ravelry account and then blog about them here.
I really love my camera and need to find more of those great photos that are just waiting for the right moment (e.g. this photo here taken on a late Saturday afternoon).
I’m not in the right frame of mind to try and tackle the 365 Project and attempt to take a photo a day. I think that would feel too forced at this point.
With the New Year well underway, I’m reflecting on some “goals” I have for the year. Yes I know, I’ve jumped on the resolution bandwagon, but if it allows me to focus my effort to achieve some clear and measureable results, then why not?!